Friday 26 May 2017

God Damn Horses

Horses are famously hard to draw. So when I was asked not only to draw horses but to give them charateristics, I was like "SHIT." Not in my correspondance, of course. Officially I replied "Of course. No problem. Sure thing."

Despite my panic, I've learned to loosen up in recent years. Just get that pencil on paper. Use reference photos, look at how other artists work. Stop focusing on making it 'look good' and enjoy making the lines. Basically, what you did as a kid. Enjoy making a god damn picture.

I'm way less upset these days about things 'not looking the way are in my head'. Now I'm just happy they're out. After all, these no reason I can't keep drawing horses. I mean I'm not gonna, but there's no reason I can't.

Monday 22 May 2017

A Couple of Commissions from a Couple of Couples

I recently received a couple of commissions from a couple of couples. I'm sorry that sentence was the same as the title but I liked it so much, I had to use it a couple of times.

An old friend from college is getting married and asked me to draw her man and herself for the wedding invitations, which is such an honour! I've told them I won't draw the honeymoon though.

Last Christmas, another friend asked me to illustrate a sweet photo he'd taken with his man. I got the work to him in March. Not only do I take commissions, I take my time.